Thursday, December 20, 2012

Oh Look a Post

I have been slacking on the posts, but I thought I would give a quick update and a tease as to what has been done. (pics to follow during an update).

I have done the base painting for the Highlander, Hunchback (sans Arms, Still waiting on the new ones), Hollander, and broke the Locust! :(

The Highlander and Hunchback were painted a base of Model Master Steel, salted, base cover of Acrylic Vallejo Black Grey, and had sections painted in red. This is what I envision what the Black Widow Company's color scheme would look like on these two. I learned something about the salt technique, you must air brush on flat based paint to get to work correctly. Hand painting is too heavy and gloss paint tends to seal the paint job.

The Hollander is going slow because I am doing a digital desert camo scheme.

All this and preparing for the family gathering on the 24th to exchange gifts.

More to come...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A New Airbrush and Highlander - Painting

So tonight I got a new airbrush in the box o'amazon.

My Testors Aztek has been acting up and I have never been able to get the same behavior out of it with each use. Well, I think something broke inside and I need to send it back for fixing.

But on to the Mech goodness....

So when getting a new toy ... er ... Airbrush, one must test it. Make sure it was not damaged in shipping, etc.

I had primed some pieces Sunday night, so I grabbed the Highlander.

I am going to paint as if it was part of the Black Widow Company, Wolf Dragoons. It is a all black with red highlights paint scheme. I started by laying down Model Masters' Steel.

I did not do any pre-shading, because I don't see the need with such a dark color. I am going to try a salt masking Technic that will paint chip weather the black. I will then lay the red and detailing. Afterwards I will remove the salt and use a wash for final weathering.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Highlander and Hunchback Build

Once again....very few pictures....

I have to say I am impressed with the resin models I have gotten from Scott and Simon. In the world of prop replicas you get a lot of recasts, poor moulds, soft details, and air bubbles. It is really nice to work with people that take pride in their art work.

Some assembly required. ;)

Here we are in the pre-painting stage.

I am thinking that I should have asked for the other arms to be better in line of the Highlander's look.

Look who has Hunchy's back. :D

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Locust - Build

Now the Locust is one my favored light Mechs. Come on, how can you not like "The Chicken". So here we are with a pile Mech parts...

And in one step, we have a fully operational Mech! Sorry about the lack of build shots, but I had the music going and it was a fun build that I forgot to take pictures.

Hollander - Build

I started on the Hollander today and noticed it came with some battle damage. Such is the life of resin models.

The legs required very little clean up and went together like a camp. The line you see running down the "ankle" part of the leg is a mould seam I cleaned up a little.

The upper torso went together with a minimal effort. I had to clean up some extra resin on the "pin" for the Gauss rifle for it to sit nicely in to the mount.

Same story with the upper legs attaching at the hips. Clean some flashing and insert peg "A" in to slot "B".

The mighty fist of the Hollander.

Here he is guarding the washing machine.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Rebel is Among Us!

Well I went to my local hobby store to find a solution to a broken part on Scott's Locust, but they were closed for some reason.

So my son and I went to the find a dSLR that had the features I need for model still photos and had the all important feature my Wife wanted. "I just need to be able to take pictures without a hassle."

A very nice young lady helped me muddle through all the kits until I settled on the Canon EOS Rebel T3i.

I picked up a nice light weight tripod and remote.

I took some random pictures of different things (models, son, cat, bookshelf, etc.) when I got home and the quality is awesome just on the automatic (point-n-shoot a.k.a. wife setting).

Once I build my light box, I will be in the business of taking picture of the models.